Род и нација: основне претпоставке


Is feminism an ideology, a personal belief, a network of theoretical positions, a starting point in examining the phenomena which do not necessarily concern solely women anymore, a coneptual framework, a set of various activities whose goal is to improve the position of women, an attempt to read history in a different manner; or is it all of those things? Is there a single definition of feminism? What is gender? What is the difference between womenʼs and gender studies? Is nation an eternal and universal, or a specifically modern notion? Do women have nationality / homeland? Why are the idea of nation, the construction of national identity, and the processes of the formation/building of a nation infused with gender-specific connotations? What has national engagement brought to women? The aim of this text is to clarify the aforementioned terms and notions from the perspective of feminist theory.


Mesto izdanja Београд
Godina izdanja 2018
Autor Светлана Стефановић
Izdavač Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду
Publikacija Feministički časopisi u Srbiji. Teorija, aktivizam i umetničke prakse u 1990-im i 2000-im (zbornik)
Strane 43 - 61

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Kako citirati ovu publikaciju:
Istorijski Institut, Portal za žensku i rodnu istoriju. "Род и нација: основне претпоставке". Datum: 26. December 2024. Link: https://zristorija.iib.ac.rs/istrazivanja/rod-i-nacija-osnovne-pretpostavke/