Is feminism an ideology, a personal belief, a network of theoretical positions, a starting point in examining the phenomena which do not necessarily concern solely women anymore, a coneptual framework, a set of various activities whose goal is to improve the position of women, an attempt to read history in a different manner; or is it all of those things? Is there a single definition of feminism? What is gender? What is the difference between womenʼs and gender studies? Is nation an eternal and universal, or a specifically modern notion? Do women have nationality / homeland? Why are the idea of nation, the construction of national identity, and the processes of the formation/building of a nation infused with gender-specific connotations? What has national engagement brought to women? The aim of this text is to clarify the aforementioned terms and notions from the perspective of feminist theory.
Mesto izdanja | Београд |
Godina izdanja | 2018 |
Autor | Светлана Стефановић |
Izdavač | Филолошки факултет Универзитета у Београду |
Publikacija | Feministički časopisi u Srbiji. Teorija, aktivizam i umetničke prakse u 1990-im i 2000-im (zbornik) |
Strane | 43 - 61 |
Kako citirati ovu publikaciju:
Istorijski Institut, Portal za žensku i rodnu istoriju. "Род и нација: основне претпоставке". Datum: 26. December 2024. Link: https://zristorija.iib.ac.rs/istrazivanja/rod-i-nacija-osnovne-pretpostavke/